K4-2nd Grade

Comm. Central’s Classical Rotation:

  • K4-2nd grade students follow Comm. Central’s Classical Rotation for history to unify families around the same history study and allow all students to resonate with family historical fiction read alouds.
  • For science, K4-2nd grade students follow their own rotation as they alternate between studying swimming & flying creatures and then land animals. To reinforce the alphabet for K4-K5 students, all remaining subjects are organized around a letter of the week.

Comm. Central Curriculum Guide (CCCG):

  • Tuition includes a CCCG which will aid students each week by providing the following:
    • All memory work
  • Daily checklists which include the following:
    • A memory work recitation schedule
    • A schedule of each assignment to be completed
    • Space for scheduling additional assignments/activities such as math, phonics, chores, etc.


  • K4-K5:
    • History/Geography
    • Science
    • Letter of the Week:
      • Read-Aloud
      • Bible
      • Poetry
      • Show-and-Tell
      • Craft
  • 1st-2nd Grade:
    • History/Geography
    • Science
    • Language Arts:
      • Literature
      • Pre-writing Skills
      • Basic Grammar
    • Oral Communications
    • Art

Memory Work:

  • Memory work, the foundational blocks for the week’s study in each subject, will be introduced within each applicable subject.
  • Teachers listen to memory work recitation and award points where students are allowed to shop for prizes every six weeks.
  • Categories of Memory Work:
    • Timeline (Chronological timeline memory song)
    • History (facts covering important people and events of the time period)
    • Science (processes, definitions, etc.)
    • Bible
    • Literary Works (excerpts/poetry)
    • Math/Grammar (skip counting, parts of speech, etc.)
    • Heritage (speeches, important documents, etc. correlating to the time period)


  • Instruction begins with an introduction of the week’s history by listening to a historical fiction picture book and excerpts from an encyclopedia. A discussion of the continents and oceans along with other map features begin each geography lesson, transitioning to the week’s history fact and region of the world being studied.
  • The 1st-2nd grade students conclude their geography lesson by coloring a black-line map and map key related to the week’s history fact.
  • Students may augment their history studies at home as a family utilizing history texts outlined in the CCCG.


  • Instruction begins with an introduction of the week’s science fact, followed by a read-aloud of a picture book. To compliment the study, students will create a craft or other activity to enhance their learning.
  • Students may augment their science study at home utilizing student texts outlined in the CCCG. 

Letter-of-the-Week (K4-K5):

  • Students are immersed in activities based on a letter-of-the-week.
    • Read Aloud:  The letter-of-the-week is featured in a read-aloud, and students practice tracing or writing the letter and identifying words beginning with the letter.
    • Bible and Poetry:  The letter-of-the-week is featured in the Bible verse and poetry memory work each week. Students listen to a Bible story relating to the Bible verse which has been put to song. In addition, students learn hand motions to aid in the memory of Bible and poetry memory work.
    • Show-and-Tell:  Students are encouraged to bring an item from home that begins with the letter-of-the-week to share with their classmates. This activity builds confidence in oral communications, a core aspect of Comm. Central.
    • Craft:  Students create a craft related to the letter-of-the-week.

Language Arts (1st-2nd Grade):

  • Students listen to a literary picture book and discuss the following:
    • Setting/Characters
    • Conflict/Plot Development
    • Resolution/Theme
    • Literary elements
  • In addition, the basic parts of speech are discussed, and students engage in a pre-writing activity where they create a book full of “who/which” clauses based on a book character, historical person, or activity from the day.

Oral Communications (1st-2nd Grade):

  • Students prepare a Digging Deeper report (between 3 and 6 sentences) about something learned the prior week. Students are encouraged to “Dig Deeper” into their history or science studies, but any topic of interest is welcome. This research is used to practice public speaking skills and build confidence.
  • In class, students are provided with instruction and encouragement for sharing their Digging Deeper reports. The goal for the students is to overcome the fear of public speaking at an early age.

Art (1st-2nd Grade):

  • Students learn interesting facts about a master artist, practice techniques used by the artist, and create a masterpiece mimicking the artist.
  • This schedule is repeated every three weeks as the students learn about different artists.

Parent Responsibilities:

Parents are responsible to assist their student each week as follows:

  • Help students learn desired memory work
  • Explore history and science topics of the week as desired
  • Aid students in selecting a Show-and-Tell item (K4-K5)
  • Aid students in preparing a Digging Deeper report (1st-2nd grade)
  • Grade Latin assignments (2nd grade)
  • Implement a reading and math program at home outside of the context of the Comm. Central program

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