High School Overview


  • Comm. Central Academy is a classical, Christian homeschool program that follows the university model.
  • High School students can pick and choose their own classes.
  • Leadership opportunities are available such as Student Council membership, mentoring, and tech opportunities.
  • Grades are kept on-line so students and parents have continual access.

Determination of Credits and Homework Load:

  • High School credits are earned based on the number of hours of work completed (including class time and homework):
    • Core Courses (English, Math, Science, History): 150 hours
    • Electives: 120 hours
    • ½ Credit Electives: 60 hours
    • Concurrent Credit = 1 high school full credit and 3 hours of college credit (earned in one semester)
  • Since Comm. Central meets for 30 weeks, homework load for classes can be determined as follows:
    • Core Course: 3 hours per week if the class meets twice per week
    • Electives: 3 hours per week if the class meets once per week
    • ½ Credit Elective over the Full Year: 1 hour per week if the class meets once per week
    • Concurrent Credit: homework load will vary between 1-3 hours per week per college credit hour (between 3-9 hours per week)
  • NOTE: The benefit of a ½ Credit Course spread over the full year is as follows:
    • HALF of the workload is instructor driven,
    • the homework hours per week are minimized, and
    • the course load from semester to semester is balanced.

Transcript Checklist

9-10th Grade

11-12th Grade